Adequate number of class rooms are available for conducting classes, class rooms are specious enough to accommodate students and are well furnished and ensure proper circulation of fresh air and light. The dimensions and other facilities of the classrooms are maintained as per the AICTE norms classrooms are kept clean and hygienic.

Room Description | Carpet Area in Sq.m. | USAGE | Rooms Equipped with |
Class Room 208 | 41.8 | Class Room For 3rd Yr Student | Green Board, Podium, Benches, Fans , Light , Dust bins, CCTV cameras |
Class Room 214 | 31.35 | Class Room For 2nd Yr Student | LCD Projector and projector screen, one computer, LAN Connectivity, Speakers, Green Board , Benches, CCTV cameras , Fans, Lights and Dustbin. |
Class Room P004 | 91.2 | Class Room For 1ST Yr Students | Black Board, Chalk, Duster,NoticeBoard |
Class Room 201 | 147 | ALL Department | LCD Projector and projector screen, LAN Connectivity, Speakers, Green Board ,white board, CCTV cameras , Fans, Lights, and Dustbin |
- All Laboratories are furnished with efficient electronics equipments for students to do their practical work during the working hours as per the time table and beyond the working hours according to their own interest.
- All experiments prescribed in curriculum are conducted as per time table and also students carry out their mini projects /lab related activities apart from syllabus.
- The students can enhance their knowledge with the guidance of faculty and well trained technical staff
- All the laboratories are provided with sufficient furniture facilities.
SL NO | Name of the Laboratory | Carpet Area (Sqm) | Room No | No of students per setup(Batch Size) |
1 | Computer Applications Lab | 102.25 | 112 | 1 in 1 computer (15 students /batch) |
2 | Analog Electronics lab | 102.24 | 113 | 3 in 1 setup (15 students /batch) |
Quality of labs/Workshop
- Laboratories are well equipped with essential electronics equipments , hardware and software’s .
- Every Laboratory is provided with separate faculty in-charge and adequate facilities for the development of practical knowledge to the students.
- Every practical work is done by the student himself under the guidance of concerned faculty member.
- Practical work done is recorded in observation and record book which is evaluated by staff periodically. Assessment is done based on DTE curriculum rubrics
- Importance is given to carry out application oriented experiments/ Mini projects /Projects so that laboratories are effectively utilized.
- Each batch size is 15 and 2 / 3 in one set up.
- Computers are provided to students on 1:1 ratio
- Computer Applications lab is provided with uninterruptible power supply of 7.5 KVA of 2 nos.
- Laboratories are kept clean and Hygienic.
- Safety measures like first aid boxes,safety gloves,proper earthing , MCBs and fire extinguishers are maintained periodically.
- Students are strictly instructed to wear apron and shoes in workshop .
- Display boards like DO’s and DONT’s, List of experiments (as per syllabus), specification of every equipment are displayed .
- Hands on training and workshops are conducted in respective laboratories.
- The requirements of consumables for laboratory are given on time so that practical works are carried out smoothly
- Project models are used by students to enhance / study the features of project work.